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世事没看够:星,乍一看是部有点憋屈的晦涩故事,但深思包含了很多隐匿内容,有土著与殖民者的血腥对抗,有原始信仰与宗教的冲突,有自然与城市的不和谐,种族之间的恩怨等等众多压抑情节。历史无法回避, 原本红发圆脸的凯尔特族,才是大不列颠与爱尔兰岛的原住民,他们崇拜自然动物,信仰德鲁伊萨满教。但凯尔特族最终淹没在了金发碧眼的日耳曼人大入侵中,皈依了基督教。影片不断的强调土著与外族不能相互理解,但又在融合兼容,充分体现了爱尔兰人导演的不甘与妥协。
贤三: art collapses the time and space that separates us from its moment of creation. It made us reimagine the world and ourselves in countless unanticipated ways.The rush of emotion that can connects us with the enduring and the profound.Those thing spring less from the officious demands of state and the status hunger of the rich, than they do from the unruly urges of gifted artists to make something for everyone, as unmistakable evidence of the best things our species is capable of creating, things have been made by the liberated thought, the acute vision, and the unquenchable creative fire of our shared humanity.